Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Black Man

We see you brother...We see you. (J.D)
We see, we hear and we understand .


Sittin on car hoods..
Munchin’ on Bonton’s  
 Throwin’ back red & blue quarter waters
Dip dip dog shit
Shorts under the skirts for our daughters

Concrete benches
Tag , Flippin ‘over park swings
Chinese staircases, “The box”
Double Dutch
Freezer burnt bodega ice cream

Double Dutch
Stayin out til the sun left…
These are the moments when I remember the hood the best…


Silent Whispers

I never really saw myself until the moment I took a step back and analyzed myself for the first time from the inside. Yep, that was me…Like so many sisters and brothers of this world today; …Im just trying to endure this everyday hustle and bustle.. Trying to walk in my own path, while at the same time finding the strength to have my own say…….

A quite girl in bondage, so that silence kept me slumbered in the crowd….I went from a child to a woman, turning it up, standing from out of the crowd out loud !.. hahahaha….I’ve been silenced too long.. We’ve been silenced too long….

Let’s go ahead and break the chains and talk about what’s been kept sleep… the situations and issues most don’t want to speak out about…The GOOD.. The BAD…and The UGLY… whatever that has  been swept from under our feet and hidden under that dusty rug….I hear you… We hear you… but have you let yourself be heard? Let’s not let the silence fade us into the background….

Monday, February 25, 2013

As The Hood Turns our beauty still reigns supreme. Natural glow like The Sun 'Ethnic' women in the straits of poverty in Hoods across the country wear their beauty gracefully, almost in ignorance of how powerful such a beauty is and can be.
In European hair weaves, swinging locs and bald heads we grace the streets of our Hoods. 
And we are loved. 
We are the mother of the Fathers and Sons who build our Hoods up and unfortunately tear our Hoods down. 
We are the softness that carries our daughters and we are the voice of empathy through the cold and callous streets.
We are the fierceness that protects the young, the caretakers of our elderly & the backbone of our Men. 

There is always beauty in The Hood and as it turns we stand balanced in His Grace.

-Jay Dee

My name doesn't matter. I'm just here to talk with you. Talk about all we see, hear and feel we wish to share with the world. The Hood is Turning all around us and for some reason they can't see. But we can.
Here you are sure to be interested.
We want to keep you commenting and talking about our topics and insights, it's for you, by you. Yup, you wrote this, cus I am you. Don't believe I am you? Look in the mirror...see me right there? I am you ancestor, your offspring, your sibling, your friend. I am one born with a wide open third eye. There...can't you see it? Of course you can, because you're here. Welcome.
I can see your big beautiful third eye as well. It makes me smile.
Sisters, brothers, lets tell the others what we see...shall we?
I don't write I talk and brothers, sisters I invite you to talk with me.
We converse here in The Hood, while it turns around us.
Let's share our insights.