My name doesn't matter. I'm just here to talk with you. Talk about all we see, hear and feel we wish to share with the world. The Hood is Turning all around us and for some reason they can't see. But we can.
Here you are sure to be interested.
We want to keep you commenting and talking about our topics and insights, it's for you, by you. Yup, you wrote this, cus I am you. Don't believe I am you? Look in the mirror...see me right there? I am you ancestor, your offspring, your sibling, your friend. I am one born with a wide open third eye. There...can't you see it? Of course you can, because you're here. Welcome.
I can see your big beautiful third eye as well. It makes me smile.
Sisters, brothers, lets tell the others what we see...shall we?
I don't write I talk and brothers, sisters I invite you to talk with me.
We converse here in The Hood, while it turns around us.
Let's share our insights.
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